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Special Announcements



Currently South Boston Bible Church is open for worship. Measures are in place that make available cooperation with coronavirus guidelines. These are: taped off pews to social distance, livestreaming the service in our fellowship hall as well to provide for larger crowds, increased sanitation, etc. We are eagerly in anticipation of decreased preventative measures; however, we are aware God works through it all to bring more glory to Himself. Praise God for His goodness, and we are excited to see you each Sunday! If you are searching for understanding and a loving gathering of believers to grow alongside, we welcome you to South Boston Bible Church! God Bless.


Pastor Cory Malone






Good morning Church Family,


As I'm sure you are all aware, our governors executive order to remain home (except for necessary travels) remains in effect until April 13. I have contacted Alton Bible Church, and Pastor Ken Ford cancelled the Good Friday service to remain within these precautionary directives. As Gods directive hand remains at work, fulfilling His plan from all eternity, we as Christians need to walk by faith in events such as these.


South Boston will remain closed through April 11th (the Saturday before Easter Sunday). Currently, South Boston Bible Church has received permission to have a drive in church service, as long as we keep to the social distancing guidelines. If God allows, it is our goal to have such a service Easter morning at 10am. More information will be provided late next week, as there remains obstacles to overcome, and details still unthought. One obstacle, for example, is the availability of FM transmitters that do not exceed 1 Watt (so they remain legal). It seems churches, and other gatherings, are having like ideas! An FM transmitter would be necessary for the songs, and sermon on the sidewalk, to be played through your car radios. There may be other options available as well, but we remain in the trouble shooting phase. Please continue to pray that it be the will of God, and that He would make it clear. The board will be meeting this Wednesday to pray, and survey the options. We miss you all. God Bless!


Cory Malone

Friday, March 20th, 2020


Good Morning Church Family,


This morning I woke up thanking God for the coronavirus. Fear, panic, distancing, etc., are producing softened hearts for Truth to be heard. A result of these yesterday: all three of my cousin’s children believed in Jesus the Savior, and found life. With the feet of those who carried the gospel, the good news, God worked to such a beautiful end. Never should any believer refuse to follow Gods leading because of excuse, especially that of caution. No faithful believer in Scripture ever looked at the path directed down, making certain first there existed no potential for danger, before sacrificially following the Holy One.


Witnessing in Lowell this week, God provided an encounter with a lady, prepared in these coronavirus circumstances, who believes Jesus hates her. I was able to make known, that Gods view of her is quite the opposite. She accepted a tract, but please pray that she will abandon all hesitation, and believe in Jesus.


The building South Boston Bible Church will remain closed this Sunday, as well as all gatherings of worship next week greater than 10 people. If an explanation is desired, on how God directed in our decision, please view the original letter submitted last week (scroll down). We hope all realize, especially now, that the church is not a building, but instead they are all the people whom Jesus has saved. We encourage all to pray for the saved and the lost, be used in whatever way God directs, study His Word daily, and take advantage of gathering in homes with smaller, more intimate groups of believers.


Paul Gess will be preaching this Sunday morning at 9am, and it will again be recorded, and put both on South Boston’s Facebook page and website by 10:30 (if there be no technical issues). Also, we will hand deliver CD’s of the recording to those who requested it last week. If you were not on the list and desire a CD as well, please contact me before Sunday.


God deserves praise in this day! He deserves praise everyday! It is our prayer that God will display to you the wonders of His working through these trials. For He is working, always and forever. God Bless, and stay encouraged!


Pastor Cory Malone

Friday, March 13th, 2020


Dear Church Family,

After many prayers, long hours of dwelling upon how God’s Word applies to current COVID-19 concerns, and discussion among board members who gathered today, we believe it best at this time to temporarily close all gatherings for worship at South Boston Bible Church; effective immediately. As we do not know how effective containment efforts will be (for example) we believe observing the spread of COVID-19 on a weekly basis before making further cancellation decisions, is appropriate. Therefore, the current details for cancellations are as follows: the lumberjack pancake dinner tomorrow, Sunday morning and evening service, as well as Wednesday night prayer service. We board members will again re-convene next week Saturday morning to prayerfully approach another temporary cancellation if God leads us in this way. This was a stretching decision to make, as depending upon how God leads per local body of believers, God can use either decision to glorify Himself. To include all of you on three reasons why we felt led by God to cancel are as follows:


  • 1). God instructs clearly in Romans 13, to submit to and respect those governing authorities whom He Himself has placed over our country; as long as such action does not involve sinning to do so (Acts 5:29). If this were an attempt by the governing authorities to permanently abolish the following of Jesus, this letter would not even be written, for persecution refines believers, as well as identifies us as His children. However, it appears the governing authorities are attempting to do good for the sake of the country, not harm, in attempt to contain COVID-19. 

  • 2) The testimony of our church to those of the community, including those who are unbelievers, is another reason. An outsider may observe an unwillingness to temporarily close, as a demonstration that we are not concerned with their well-being. Possibly then, he or she will reject the God of such an uncaring group of believers. We understand too that an unbeliever could see the opposite, and be attracted to the courage of churches that remain open. This made the decision even more difficult. 

  • 3) The concern for those who are at greater risk if COVID-19 is contracted. We love seeing the confidence of elderly believers who KNOW the salvation they have and are okay with passing from this earthly life to a much better, never-ending life with Jesus (God the Son). However, we too are concerned for those elderly who do not know the only Savior Jesus, and if death comes as a result, it would be eternal death in Hell. Gods love is greater than ours, He is Love, and we can only love because He first loved us and enables us to do likewise.  So, it is our prayer that God uses this global spread of disease to bring more to a saving knowledge, especially if it requires they be given more time to do so.


We encourage all to pray that God use COVID-19, yourself, and other believers to powerfully make the gospel known. Believers have no excuse to fear (Phil. 4:6-9), but to follow the LORD in any way He directs.

I will continue to preach this weekend, and it will be recorded to CD, as well as a video recording. The video will be posted on South Boston Bible Church’s Facebook page Sunday morning. As well, the audio recordings on CDs will be handed out to those who request it Sunday morning. We already have a few volunteers willing the drive and deliver. God continues to be in control, and His plan never thwarted. God bless and stay encouraged.


Pastor Cory Malone

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